Tips for an Effective Brainstorming Session: A Blueprint to Unleash Your Team’s Potential

I’ve had the privilege of participating in various brainstorming sessions throughout my career, each offering valuable lessons and insights into the art of brainstorming. In this blog post, I’m excited to share tips for effective brainstorming sessions, based on the collective wisdom I’ve gained from these experiences and influenced by the Great Courses audiobook by Gerard Puccio. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to brainstorming, I hope these insights will help you unlock the full potential of your creative endeavors.

1. Define Your Objective

The first step in any successful brainstorming session is to establish a clear and compelling objective. Over the years, I was ambitious yet actionable: to unleash the collective creative force of our marketing teams and generate innovative concepts ready for market testing. Your objective should be visionary, motivating participants to think outside the box and contribute their best ideas.

2. Structured Agenda

A well-structured agenda is the backbone of any effective brainstorming session. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements that contributed to the success of a Creative Think Tank or design sprint:

  • Kick-Off Meeting: Commence with a brief meeting to unveil the session’s structure and objectives. Setting the stage effectively ensures that everyone is aligned and focused.
  • Team Formation: Divide participants into groups with specific tasks. This fosters collaboration and diversity of thought, leading to richer ideas.
  • Creative Sprints: Implement rapid ideation sessions, akin to sprint cycles. Time constraints can be surprisingly effective in stimulating creativity and keeping discussions focused.
  • Concept Showcase: Allow teams to present their ideas and receive constructive feedback. This step encourages transparency and a willingness to refine concepts.
  • Celebratory Voting: Celebrate and acknowledge the most innovative ideas through voting. Recognition and celebration of success inspire participants to excel.

3. High-Level Goals

To drive an effective brainstorming session, it’s essential to establish high-level goals that guide your team’s efforts:

  • Foster Innovation: Create an environment that encourages creativity, enthusiasm, and an open mind. Innovation thrives in a culture that values fresh ideas.
  • Campus Challenge: Promote collaboration among participants to enhance campus-specific marketing efforts. Cross-functional teamwork often leads to groundbreaking concepts.
  • Narrative Building: Emphasize the importance of storytelling and strategy. A compelling narrative can make the difference between an idea and a successful campaign.
  • Friendly Competition: Inject an element of friendly competition through voting. A bit of rivalry can inspire participants to present their best ideas and raise the bar.

4. Brainstorming Guidelines

In my most effective brainstorming sessions, we leveraged the principles of Design Thinking to guide our brainstorming process. Here are the guidelines that served us well:

  • Start with Ideation: Begin with ideation sessions, empathizing with your target audience. Use techniques like brainstorming or mind mapping to generate a wide range of ideas.
  • Divergent Thinking: Prioritize expansive thinking over narrow focus. Encourage participants to explore a multitude of possibilities without premature judgment.
  • Novelty Pursuit: Strive for originality and uniqueness in your concepts. The best ideas often emerge when you dare to be different.
  • Idea Abundance: Prioritize the generation of a multitude of ideas. Quantity often precedes quality in the ideation phase.
  • Selective Refinement: Dedicate time post-ideation to weed out less viable ideas. Not every concept will make the cut, and that’s perfectly normal.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Embrace quick cycles of concept development and improvement. Prototyping allows you to test ideas and make informed decisions.
  • Progress Over Perfection: View each idea as a stepping stone to further innovation. Perfectionism can be a creativity killer—focus on making progress.

5. Fuel for Thought: Inspiration & Moodboarding

To ignite creativity, encourage your team to immerse themselves in inspiration. Here’s how we approached it:

  • Encourage your team to research and bring examples of existing campaigns, competitor ads, or other inspiring materials to the discussion.
  • Utilize digital tools like Pinterest, Notion, Miro, or Figma to compile these inspirations and create mood boards when necessary.
  • Don’t hesitate to harness the power of AI tools to assist in brainstorming and content creation. Technology can be a valuable ally in the creative process.

In conclusion, the lessons learned from various brainstorming sessions I’ve been a part of stand as a testament to the transformative power of a well-structured creative collaboration. I wholeheartedly encourage you to adapt these tips for effective brainstorming sessions. By doing so, you’ll have the opportunity to witness innovation flourish and inspire others in your professional journey. Let’s celebrate our collective creativity and share success stories that ignite inspiration! 💡🌟

Copywriting Tips for Beginners | Kill these Misinformed Ideas

I’ve worked with talented editors at the LA Times, LA Weekly, Narratively, and more, and I have learned so much, but the lessons I unlearned might have been the most valuable. During my time as a journalist, I was able to kill misinformed perceptions about “good” writing, and it helped me, as a beginning writer, grow. Here are three copywriting tips for beginners and misinformed ideas that hinder talented young professionals from growing.

1. Do not confuse sentence length with a run-on sentence

So many entry-level writers believe that long sentences are grammatically incorrect simply because they are long. They label them “run-on” and banish them outside of the draft, and they want to find more valuable copywriting tips for beginners.

Just for the record: A run-on sentence is when you fuse two independent clauses in one sentence (and here is the key) without using a coordinating conjunction

Somewhere a teacher scared the ink out of a student’s pen when talking about run-on sentences, and instead of using sentence length stylistically, the student saw any sentence that felt too long as incorrect. Then the misperception spread like an Adam Grant tweet reposted on LinkedIn.

To break the spell, I often share Donald Barthelme’s, “The Sentence,” with people I’m training to show them that published pieces can be really really really long sentences. In fact, “The Sentence” is actually a fragment.

My best advice: Stop being scared of sentence length. Use short and long sentences to help build rhythm and voice. Here is a beautiful illustration of this concept by Gary Provost:

2. Do not be scared of writing “drunk” in your search for copywriting tips for beginners

Too many people sit down at their computers and expect to have a perfect draft in 30 minutes. But this is a recipe for failure, and they need a valuable copywriting tip for beginners.

Take a page from Ernest Hemingway, who is famously credited (though turns out it wasn’t him) with saying, “Write drunk. Edit Sober.” Regardless of who said it, this quote is great advice, and it’s not intended to peer pressure you into drinking Fireball. It’s trying to say: Give your brain space for different modes of thought. For example:

  • A draft where you get the worst possible version out but where you can be free and creative.
  • A 2nd draft where you step away and come back to destroy the bad copy and bring to life the good.

If you’re not creating these mental spaces, then you’re probably wasting hours.

3. Do not think you’re the grammar police

People make mistakes with writing all the time. And I’ve met so many people who have hard and fast rules on grammar that are unbreakable.

For instance, I used to ask a relative to read my drafts, and they would always say things like:

-You can’t begin a sentence with “And”

-Health care is two words.

While certain rules shouldn’t be broken (using “you’re/your” or “it’s/its” incorrectly), most of what people call incorrect is just stylistic choices.

So please, use a style book (or create editorial guidelines for your brand). Because without a style book, there is nothing inherently wrong with using healthcare or health care. It’s just your choice. Hopefully, this will take the pressure off of being perfect and you can begin adding more and more tools to your copywriting toolbox. You then will be able to experiment with style and learn that words are in your control.

How Buying a Grill Led to an Extraordinary Moment

Over the weekend, I thought I was taking an ordinary trip to Ace Hardware to buy a new grill. As I walked into the store, I was thinking about work and how to overcome a certain obstacle. What happened next was an extraordinary moment that certainly put those obstacles in perspective. 

I had been considering buying a green egg grill, so I asked the employee in the grill aisle his opinion.

“I wouldn’t buy a green egg,” he said. “Not worth it.”

I guessed he was about 72, and he had shoulder-length gray hair, tattoos on his forearm, and a goatee that looked almost as faded as the ink on his arms.

He pointed to a red Weber and convinced me to save the money. He stooped down and removed the price tag, and that’s when I noticed something was wrong.

He began to stumble, and it almost seemed like the computer program that helped him walk had been full of bugs. He lost consciousness and couldn’t stand.

That’s when I held him up, struggling under his weight. The grill hit the ground and sounded like a cymbal crashing. After a few moments of fighting to keep him from hitting the ground, his legs began to operate again. 

As if nothing had just happened, he started talking about the grill. I stopped him and asked him if he was all right, and he said he was fine, but I implored him to take a break.

He was about to respond, but he stopped abruptly. His eye contact became intense, and he was standing taller than I remembered. That’s when his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his body went rigid, and he began to fall backward. It was like watching a Jenga tower fall. I wanted to try and stop him, but there was just too much momentum.

I ended up grabbing him just enough to slow down the impact, but when shoulders hit the ground, his head whipped against the floor, and all I could think about was someone trying to crack an egg against a bowl. 

Now I was holding him in my arms, and I was sure that I had just watched a man die.

Everyone in the store was watching. I pointed at someone and yelled: “You, in the red shirt, call 911.”

I was considering whether or not to conduct CPR. Other employees were rushing over. It was a grim moment. 

Then the man just woke up.

The next few moments went by quickly, and other Ace employees rushed over to carry him into a seat. Later the paramedics burst into the store. Ace employees began to check on me. I watched all of this in slow motion.

As I was about to leave, the man thanked me and said: “I can’t help but go out of the way to get you a discount on the grill.”

Everyone laughed. And he was right. They gave me $75 dollars off. 

But the lesson was priceless. 

It’s funny how the universe can take the most ordinary moments and make them unforgettable, teaching us lessons at the precise time we need to see it. It was a great reminder that marketing is marketing. Business is business. An obstacle is just an obstacle. But being alive and healthy, well, that is everything.

Joseph Lapin and the Creative Journey: Updates on Publications and Media

Over the last month or so, I have had some excited opportunities come my way, and I wanted to take a minute to update my readers. As you all know, I’m constantly on the hunt to publish stories, essays, and novels, and I’m extremely passionate about the creative journey in whatever form that takes. My updates relate to both of these aspects.

Publication News

Over the course of the last six months, I have been working on a new type of memoir piece that was inspired by a short story by Lettie Prell. Her story made “The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2018,” and it was called Justice Systems in Quantum Parallel. I loved this story because it’s form was extraordinary. It imagines a person in prison and what that same prison would be like in different parallel universes. Brilliant story. Def recommend reading.

Basically, I was inspired by that structural technique applied to the justice system, and I began to explore how that technique could apply to how our country treats mental health. As you may know, I have written many times about growing up with a mother with a severe mental illness, and I have helped her many times get in and out of mental hospitals.

Continue reading “Joseph Lapin and the Creative Journey: Updates on Publications and Media”

5 Ways to Find Writing Motivation: Beyond the Obvious Recommendations

Credit: Joseph Lapin, The Man Who Walks Through Walls, Paris, France.

I graduated from my Master of Fine Arts program from Florida International University at 25-years old, which seemed like an impressive feat at the time. When I finished my MFA, I moved from Miami to Los Angeles, and I thought I was a pretty hot-shit writer about to head to one of the most creative cities in the world. In fact, I thought I was moments away from turning my thesis into a best-selling book, and I wasn’t worried about finding writing motivation to finish countless drafts while working long days at many different jobs. Honestly, it felt like I had already arrived.

In fact, I look back on that version of myself, a totally delusional version of myself, and realize that it’s kind of embarrassing. I remember asking one of my professors how long it took her to publish her first book after graduation, and she said, four years. At the time, four years after graduate school felt like such a long time to publish a book.

Now, I just turned 35-years old, and it’s 10 years since I graduated from my MFA program, and I don’t have a book. I have published a decent amount of non fiction and some fiction, and I have a great career where I practice my craft every day, but I know I still have a long way to go to accomplish my life goal: Filling an entire shelf with books I have written, and those books have to be worth the trees that were sacrificed. I want people to actually read the books, not just let them sit there and collect dust.

And even though so much time has passed since I graduated, I know I need to dig deep to still make my dreams come true. It’s hard to stay motivated though, especially with all that is happening in the world.

That’s why I put together a list of ways to find writing motivation. When I was researching for this blog, I read a lot of the other posts about finding writing motivation, and I realized the advice was terrible. They give trite advice like “set deadlines” and “commit to writing.” It’s time to actually hear some real advice. Let me keep it real with you.

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